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Prospect Community Services
Prospect Community Services
What we do
Prospect is a highly-respected nonprofit, community service organisation with 30 years’ experience in delivering a range of quality programs and support services, and low-cost housing and accommodation to local individuals,
families, and the community-at-large. Prospect has four (4) key areas that make up our day-to-day operation:
1. Business Services
2. Domestic Violence & Housing Program
3. Disability & Mental Health Program
4. Family & Youth Program
These areas are responsible for providing services directly to our clients (including, individuals, families, groups, and the community).
For more information about Prospect Community Services please feel free to view our 2019 Annual Report
Our Services
Client/ Provider Referral
Financial Resilience Program
Human Services Quality Standards
Prospect Community Services operates within the Human Services Quality Standards.
The Human Services Quality Standards (the standards) set a benchmark for the quality of service provision. Each standard is supported by a set of performance indicators which outline what an organisation will be assessed against in order to show they meet the standard.
The standards cover the core elements for quality service provision, namely:
Standard 1 — Governance and management
Standard 2 — Service access
Standard 3 — Responding to individual need
Standard 4 — Safety, wellbeing and rights
Standard 5 — Feedback, complaints and appeals
Standard 6 — Human resources.
The Human Services Quality Standards are based on the following principles:
Respecting human rights — services are planned and delivered in a manner that respects the individual’s human rights, in keeping with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Social inclusion — services are planned and delivered to promote opportunities for people to be included in their community.
Participation — people using services are included in decision making about the service they receive.
Choice — people using services are provided with the opportunity for choice regarding the service they receive and where and how they receive it, within available resources
For more information about the Human Services Quality Standards please click here.

Queensland's Human Rights Act 2019
Prospect Community Services are required under the Human Rights Act 2019 to act and make decisions which are compatible with the rights it protects.
The Act primarily protects civil and political rights drawn from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It also protects two rights drawn from the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (rights to education and health services) and one right drawn from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (property rights). The Act also explicitly protects the cultural rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Although the Act does not make international law part of our law in Queensland, it does make it clear that, when interpreting human rights, courts can consider international law.
To find out more about Queensland's Human Rights Act 2019 please click here