Welcome to
Prospect Community Services
Youth Support

What We Offer
Youth Support Program
Prospect Community Services Youth Support program offers a wide range of services to the community of Charters Towers. The Youth Support Program offers 2 service types; access services and support and case management services.
Access services provide information, advice and referral to services the young person needs (e.g. drug or alcohol, mental health, housing, legal, education, and domestic and family violence services).
Support and case management services provide case management and case coordination, one-on-one support and assistance, including referrals to young people who need additional or specialised help (e.g. working with them to identify goals and strategies for re-engaging with their family and school, entering the workforce, or developing coping mechanisms or parenting skills).
This prevention and early intervention approach looks at the individual needs of the young person and provides access to appropriate supports and services. Service responses then bring together the required support in a collaborative and coordinated way. This partnership approach encourages less duplication and gaps across programs and systems and enables services to be delivered in a more integrated environment.
Who We Support
Mon - Friday
9am to 4pm
Thursday -
9am to 1pm
Prospect Community Services Youth Support Program is targeted specifically at young people aged 8 to 21 years of age who are at risk of:
disconnection from their family/community/support networks
disengagement from school, training and/or employment
harm, including self-harm
Youth support services focus on 4 key results, which are to help young people:
connect to positive family support
get a job or engage in training or education
lead a healthy and violence-free life
have a safe, stable place to live.
Our Referral Process
For more information please phone
4787 4797
Prospect Community Services Youth Support Program is a self-referral program. This meaning that anyone can refer a young person. The process is as follows;
Referring person/organisation completes Referral form and emails to info@prospect.org.au
Once the Referral Form is received a member of the Family program will contact the potential client and make a time to meet and discuss the services required.
The Referral Form can be found here, or you can complete the online referral form.
For more information please read our client information pack